2020-03-24 09:19:54

ENGLESKI JEZIK, 24.3.2020.

Nastavna jedinica: Simple Future Active & Passive


1. Put the words in the correct order. Copy them into your notebooks.


people/ tomorrow/ today/ to/ for/ the / it/ who/ prepare/ belongs


passport/ education/ future/ the/ the/ to/ is


We should all be concerned about our future because: spend/ have/ rest/ will/ lives/ we/ our/ the/ the/ of/ to/ there.


2. Decide between two sentences and write the one you agree with in your notebook.


a) Our world will be a better place to live in.

b) Our world will be a worse place to live in.


3. Copy there into your notebooks


                                                What does future hold for us?


won't be used                                                                                            will be

will be used                                                                                               won't be

will be found                                                                                              will melt

will be replaced                                                                                         will turn

will be overcrowded                                                                                   will change

will be genetically nodified                                                                         will do

will be recreated                                                                                         will have

will be built                                                                                                 will rise

will be done                                                                                                will come


4. Now choose at least 6 expressions and make sentences using will (be)/won't be.


cure for AIDS and cancer 


ice caps 

homeless people 







extinct animals 

fatal diseases 

hi-tech gadgets 

ice age 

space colonies 


unemployed people 

world’s population  


5. Open your book, page 80. Take a look at the Language focus and read about Future Simple Active and Passive.


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