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Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
ENGLESKI JEZIK, 23.3.2020.
Autor: Ana Koncul, 23. 3. 2020.

Nastavna jedinica:  Reading: An interview with a cyclist: On top of the  world; Present Perfect Simple vs. Present & Past Simple 


1. 1. Click on the link and match phrases


2. What do you associate the words/expressions with?


3. On top of the world    -    What do you think the title means?  (circle the a) or b), task 1 in your books, page 76


4. Read the text about Darren O'Brian and fill in the missing questions. You can find questions in task 2, page 76. (prilagođeni program čita tekst i rješava zadatke na priloženom listiću)


5. After you have read the text and filled in the questions, listen to the interview and check. (audio 39)


6. Do task 4 in your book, page 77.


7. Open  your books, page 78 and read the Laguage focus part to revise when we use Present Perfect Simple and when we use Past simple.


8. Do the exercise. Click on the link.



ROK: do kraja današnjeg dana.


Potrebno uslikati i poslati sve osim linkova (kada riješite zadatke na linkovima, vidjet ću tko je i kako riješio jer morate upisati svoje ime i prezime)

Priloženi dokumenti:
8.r_-_On_top_of_the_world_-_prilago_eni.docx (1.37 MB)

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