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Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
ENGLESKI JEZIK, 30.3.2020.
Autor: Ana Koncul, 30. 3. 2020.

Nastavna jedinica: Tomorrow is here


1. For starters, listen to the song

What does the song sing about?  Yes, it sings about space.


2. Take a look at the video about searching for other plannets like ours.


3. What do you think? Will NASA find any planets like the Earth so someday we could live on them?


4. Imagine that there's a planet similar to the Earth. What would life be like there? Will we be able to travel there? Where would we stay? Will there be places similar to places on Earth? 


Draw the planet you imagine we'd be able to live on in the future and write down what would life be like. Remember to use Future simple active and passive.


ROK je utorak, 31.03.2020.g


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